50+ yr old cedar round log cabin in NW Ontario. 20×30. Interior logs are beautiful. Cabin is habitable. Exterior has been painted and has several partially rotted logs (15-20), lots of rotten ends, fireplace smokes and needs to be rebuilt, cabin needs to be leveled (6-10 inches lower along front than in back) would like to add 3-4 logs to height and add a loft. Do you have a ball park estimate for repairs? We are trying to decide whether to repair or replace. Sentimental value.
If your intentions are to fix this home I would suggest;
replaceall therotted logs, also add two logs to the bottom for more height. At the same time it can be leveled using larger diameter log, on the side requiring the leveling.
cost to do this should be in the $10,000 to $15,000 range. Im not licensed in Canada so please keep searching for help.
good luck
american log restoration