We have been building a log home for about 2 years on our own to save on contractors costs. The roof is ready to be installed and I need to do something to the logs because they are weathered. I was told to bleach them and to start from the botom up. Is this true? My logs are cypress and I would like them to be the lightest color log possible but yet have a shiny wet look. What do you recommend and in what order? Thanking you in advance. T.F.
Do not use bleach. The amount you would need to brighten them just a little will not be good for the wood fiber. Try calling Timeless Wood Care at 877-788-5647. They have a couple of products you might try, Wood ReNew or PS100. Maybe Oxcon. You may have to just sand them to get that shinny smooth look. Just remember that the smoother the wood the harder it is to maintain, since the stain has a hard time adhereing to a smooth surface.