We just discovered that our contractor used CWF exterior to paint the Interior of our log home. The CWF clearly says only use on exterior–should we remove–corbn blast the interior or will the toxic properties of CWF exterior go away?
I would not be happy! CWF never really gets dry to the touch. It will be hard to keep the dust out of it. Corn blasting is not a good way to strip interiors. I would recommend sanding it for a smooth finish for easy cleaning in the future. Go to this link for more info: http://www.flood.com/NR/rdonlyres/C9495B1B-D434-4E64-AE2E-C58A38C28D78/1302/CWFUV5.pdf
This is some of the info from this web site;
SKIN: May cause skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact can result in defatting and drying of the skin which may result in dermatitis.
EYE: May cause eye irritation. Symptoms include stinging, tearing, redness.
INHALATION: May be irritating to the nose and respiratory tract. Prolonged or repeated contact can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, possible unconsciousness, and even asphyxiation.
SWALLOWING: Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting. Aspiration (breathing) of vomitus into lungs must be avoided; can enter lungs and cause severe damage. Ingesting large amounts of ethylene glycol causes liver and kidney damage