Looking to salvage:
I have found a log home started with 4 side walls, sitting outside for about the last 7-8 years with no sealer. The structure is up on blocks, it has no roof, and there seems to be 3/4 to 1” of dry-rot throughout the 30” logs that have been hand scribbed. It looks like the company has gone out of business. I am looking to purchase this structure if there is a chance to salvage, or save the logs. I am writing in hopes of getting some advice on how to this process would take p
More than likely you should be able to salvage these logs. You should number each log and dismantle it. You may have to draw knife the rot off or sand them. You can then reassemble the logs in their new location. I would highly recommend an application of Perma Chink Shell Guard per the label instructions after reassembly.