What is the best preservative for a new construction pine log home exteria in Connecticut? Preserving the investment is my concern. Penofin, CTA, Woodguard? It’s confusing. Please simplify my decision.
We recommend Perma Chink’s ‘Life Line Stain’. You should always apply a boratetreatment before staining. Shell Guard RTU is a good choice.
The problem with most of the products that you mentioned is that every time you apply a maintenance coat the house will get darker and darker over time. With Life Line you can maintain the color since the maintenance coat is clear. Perma chink recommends that this be applied every 3 years after a lightbath with Log Wash. You may have to apply a light coat of stain to the heavy sun sides before the clear on some years. Go to www.timelesswoodcare.com for more information or call them at 800-564-2987.