I am buying a hand hewn log home that is white pine logs.it was built in 2002 and is located in new hampshire. The exterior is chinked although pretty messy but the logs are pretty dark and I’m not sure what was even put on them and the last time it was stained and cleaned. How should I proceed. I’m thinking of buying a pressure washer and trying with a brush to scrub and clean logs but do I have to get them completely stripped before I stain or is a thorough cleaning good enough. Then what st
If you know what kind of stain is on it you could get by with a thorough cleaning and fresh application. If there is a lot of black growing under the stain then it should be stripped completely. Also, DO NOT power wash it. Apply a Log Wash mixture on low pressure, scrub with a soft brush then mist with a high pressure nozzle to rinse. You do not want to hammer a lot of water into the wood fiber with high pressure.
If the chinking is that bad it probably needs to be removed and re-installed properly. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for help with questions and labor. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 for help with materials that you will need if you attempt to do it yourself.