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Call (800) 777-7288. They may be able to help you with the logs that you need.


Sounds like a venting problem to me. You should get a couple of roofing companies to look at it for a couple of different opinions.


Cutting out with chainsaws is correct, but if they didn’t install ”bucks” to place windows in could cause your problems. I would start by caulking around them. If you have already done this then they will need to be taken out and re-installed correctly.


It needs to be replaced. If left your patio door will become unusable as the log continues to rot and starts to settle. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help.


This is something that will need to be looked at. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help.


It will need to be corn blasted and Osborne brushed or sanded completely to remove marks.

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