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I see it done all of the time. Install a vapor barrier like Tyvek then fur stripping to get a plum surface. Install siding to fur stripping. You may want to contact local contractor to investigate local code requirements for your climate.


First you should contact a mold remediation company to look at that green. Then call Mike for help with the water stains. 866-670-3020 Your insurance should cover everything except the repair of the water pipe.


You need to have the logs repaired before covering or they will continue to rot under the T-111 and cause structural issues over time. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help with log replacement and estimates.


I do not know what a ”GROW UP” means, but yes, you should strip it all down and apply a good quality latex stain like Life Line. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 to buy.


$60 to $100 per foot is normal. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for more help.


Call Dave at Timeless Wood Care Products. He will have something that will help get e can be reached at 800-564-2987.


The best way is to trim the logs back so that the trim fits flush to the frame. Caulk before you instal trim.

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