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I think they are probably fine, but you should have a structural engineer look at them to be on the safe side. Most lumber yards or steel yards have one on staff.


Call Timeless Wood Care Products for help and the materials that you will need. 800-564-2987


Not sure how old or big the house is, but if it is 5+ years old and the settling is pretty much done you could run a bead of chink down the line.


The twisted beams are common and normally do not cause any problems. The leveling of the upper floor may be caused from the screw jacks not being let down if there are any.


It depends on how wide the gap is. If it is 3/4” or greater you should use Perma Chink. If it is smaller use Energy Seal. Call Dave at Timeless Wood Care Products at 800-564-2987 for help and the correct material.


Sounds like a bowing wall problem to me. Send pictures and info to for help.


Depends on how bad it is. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help. also.


Not sure exactly what kind of help you want, but if it is getting the logs replaced call Ryan at 877-788-5647 or


Either way would work. You want to use logs or siding that best match your existing logs so it doesn’t look like a patch.

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