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These splits are called ”checks”. They should NOT be filled unless they are allowing wind, water or bugs to enter the interior of the home.Next to doors, windows and corners and are facing up are most apt to allow this. If you must fill them, put a closed cell backing… Read More »Archive-4082


Energy Seal Caulk. You can get it from Timeless Wood Care Products. 800-564-2987


You should strip off the old finish by corn cob blasting and re-stain. Lack of maintenance was the problem.


I’m not sure what these braces are and would guess that are a quick fix to a structural problem. It probably can be fixed.


Sanding is going to be the best way, but water stains are sometimes hard to remove. It all depends on how deep they are. If you try to sand deep enough to get them out you may disfigure the logs. Good luck!


Spikes can be cut off using a sawsall this can be done with the combination with crowbars.


Try filling it with Minwood wood filler putty. You may have to brush some Wood Hardener on first if you can not get back to good wood. Work fast with the putty as it gets hard fast. Then sand to shape.

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