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The first thing you should have done is the exterior completely corn cob blasted to remove the bad surface wood and get back to some good clean wood to work with. Corn cob blasting is something you should have a professional do. The equipment is expensive and it is very… Read More »Archive-4102


As you tear this down mark each log according to there location in the structure. Any rotted logs should be replaced with new full length logs if possible. You can use the lean to logs for log end replacement, they should be a few feet longer than the end piece… Read More »Archive-4104


You can chisel the log back to half and apply a new half log face, but if thereis more than one log in the same area it will need to be structurally fixed behind the logs. I would recommend that you call Dave at 877-788-5647 and discuss this with him.


Most likely the logs where placed before the door was installed. Take the old door out and inspect the old buck around the opening to make sure that it is solid, replace if necessary. The buck is the framing that is attached to the logs around the opening usually made… Read More »Archive-4112


Mark: This will require some specific experience. Call 877-788-5647 and be sure to talk with Dave. He will have the most experience with this project.


Sam: We can help. Call 877-788-5647 and ask for Dave or Ryan. We work in Texas all the time.

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