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8 years is pleanty of time to do damage. What you need to look for are water stains on the interior logs, around windows and at the floor line. Also, go around with a hammer and tap on the logs. You will be able to tell the rotten ones from… Read More »Archive-4140


The logs need to be filled with caulk in the areas that you can see into the home. We usually do not recommend filling the checks (cracks) in the logs but in this case you will have to. Just be sure to inspect the caulk 2-3 times per year and… Read More »Archive-4142


Yes, it will continue to rot and be harder to replace if you wait to long. Call 877-788-5647 to set up an inspection.


you should try the loading on the trailer. I would be affraid of draging it and breaking a log. Numbering each log and dismantling it for the move is the best way.


They all need to be kept up on with the maintenance. The thing that will help you the most is large overhangs on the roof.


Water spots that are old and deep are just about impossible to get rid of.


Do not use foams, they trap moisture in. You could after removal of rotted portions spray or brush liquid log epoxy on the cavity. Then dip burlap in liquid and nail it into the cavity. While the burlap is still setting up attach the exterior shell back onto the log.… Read More »Archive-4154


Putting logs under tarps or plastic was not good. Condensation appears under them and causes log rot, use the hammer test to test for soundness.

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