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Make sure the roof is no leaking. If the house is not living in, cover the bottom 8 feet with house wrap with boards attached to secure the wrap. Keep the log DRY!


You could fill it and restain the area, but you will be sealing in the rot and it most likely will continue to rot away. The other option is to get the log replaced. Call 877-788-5647 and ask for Ryan.


Call Timeless Wood Care Products at 800564-2987. Theyhave a product called Wood-Epox that you can fill the bad spot with, but you will eventually have to have it repalced.


There is no perfect/ 100% way to find rotted logs. Ive tried them all.


Might not be a job for homeowner, Depending on the extent it could need jacking up and re-alignment.


1st replace the rotted members. 2nd corn or sand blast the ceiling 3rd. remove the shingles and insulate from above using the doubleroof system.


These are most often repaired from above. I would suggest removing the boards from above and replacing the midspan supports with concrete and using new joist. If you want to use the same boards you could.


Yes I’m available, Please submit your request through the web site and attach a photo.


Very common for the side where sun and rainhits it that this is where the damage is located. Replacement is the only solution


Sounds like you have more problems then what re-facing can fix. If you have a structual problem with a wall bowing out the log facing won’t be the answer. The wall needs analizing to determine the problem. Sounds like you need to re-think the restoration. Also any log which is… Read More »Archive-4178

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