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Mike, First off I would recommend that you not fill the checks. Ifyou fill them with caulk it will still separate from the wood and allow water to get behind and cause further log rot. I would recommend that you get some shellguard made from Perma Chink and put it… Read More »Archive-4200


Please go back to web site and fill out the questions on location,address,telephone. I will schedule a personal visit and do a log condition report for you.


Keep looking on internet, There are manufacurers that will send sample pieces for evaluation


Checking is a normal occurance with logs. They do not take away from the structual qualities. I don’t believe you have a concern.


Yes these can be replaced and will blend in with the original structure. Please Email me the photos and I could give you some cost perimeters.


They could be rotted logs. The best way to varify this is with the hammer and pound on each log to locate good v/s bad. Many times the logs rot from the center and do not show from the exterior.


Log epoxys do have there place in restoration. Although replacement of wall logs is much cheaper and usually looks much better. I use epoxys in areas where it is impossible to duplicate a log.

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