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Sounds like you may have a bug problem. That is what the bird are after. If it is carpenter bees there isn’t much you can do other then a constant battle. If it is Powder Post or Old House Bore you will need to strip the stain and apply a… Read More »Archive-4640


Sounds like a plant oil stain. Most of them never dry completely. Not much you can do now other then remove it.


Do not use bleach. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 for the products that you will need.


Not sure, call Dave at 800-564-2987. He may have something you can use.


I’m sure they had creosote on them. You should treat them with Shell Guard borate. Call 800-564-2987 to purchase.


You cannot put just a clear sealant on log homes. It needs a stain with some pigment. You are probably going to have to strip the clear to get the results you are looking for.

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