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Sounds good except for the linseed oil and turpentine. That mixture will turn your house black withing a couple of years. Use a good quality latex stain made for log homes if you want to stain. You could just leave it gray after applying the borate.


I do not recommend power washing, especially on cedar. It will need to be sanded or media blasted to clean properly before staining. You should also try to use something other than an oil based stain. I like Life Line. Call 800-564-2987 to purchase.


Life Line would be best, but has more maintenance. The Sherwin Williams Woodscapes SOLID is OK, but I do not recommend the Semi-transparent


Yes it is. It looks like flat paint but it still allows the logs to breathe and the maintenance is very low.


Heat gun and putty knife, but do not get the stain too hot or it will peel.


You should call Dave at Timeless Wood Care Products (800-564-2987) to see what he would recommend. It can be a problem with compatibility sometimes.


On the interior, as long as you are not going to be applying any finish you can wash them with Murphy’s Oil Soap per the label. The exterior needs a light bath with Log Wash and what ever maintenance you stain requires per the label.

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