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If they are white from paint it will need to be removed by sanding. If they are just bare wood you should wipe them down with some Log Wash from Perma Chink per instructions. We always recommend one coat of Perma Chink Light Honey and one coat of Acrylic Satin… Read More »Archive-5700


If it is above freezing where you are you can borate now and stain in the spring. You should have at least 40 degrees to stain. Read the directions on the borate. There are different time frames to wait before staining, depending on the product.


Do not put paint on your logs. On the inside isn’t as bad, but I do not recommend it. Try using some Oxcon from Perma Chink to brighten them up.


You should put a good coat of Acrylic Clear on them every couple of years. Call Timeless Wood Care at 800-564-2987.


Silicon should never be used on wood. It will break loose within a year allowing water behind it making more problems than good. It also leaves a residue on the wood so that another product will have a hard time binding to it. Save the power washer for the sidewalks!


Stay away from the oils and stick with a good quality log home latex stain and clear coat. Be sure to adhere to the makers recommendations for maintanence


Borate them while they are wet. Install new logs and let them dry over winter before staining them in the spring. You might want to use some PS100 from Perma Chink before staining them next spring.


You do not have to wait to apply the borate. It will penetrate the wood better when wet, but you should wait at least a month before staining if not longer.


Super Deck is oil based and you should be able to put the Perma Chink stain on top. I do not recommend it but call Timeless Wood Care at 800-564-2987 for assistance.

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