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You should stick with water based (latex) sincemost all products made for log homes are of this make up. You just need to keep the logs as clean as possible thru construction and get them stained as soon as possible.


You cannot apply a borate and have it work unless you remove the old stain back to bare wood. Just wasting your money otherwise. You could use a solid color stain that is lighter, but it looks like paint. If you want transparent colors you will have to step up… Read More »Archive-5744


Yes on the borate. You should caulk first, but it is not good to put a oil based stain over latex caulk. I’m not a big fan of SRD. Be carefull not to sand to smooth since Sikkens does NOT like smooth surfaces. Tends to peel from my experience.


I do not have a ”home remedy’. DO NOT use linseed oil. It will turn the logs black over time. As for the turpintine, I wouldn’t! By a good quility log home stain. The latex is perfectly safe.


Sounds like mold to me. I would recommend getting a mold expert to look at it.


We use Woodscapes on many log homes. ussually when the owner wants a solid stain that covers everything. Be careful with the bleach and powerwasher. I would recommend using Log Wash or PS100 from Perma Chink instead of bleach.


Not much. It was built with green logs and sealed to soon. That leaching will last for a long time. You could try stripping it and letting it dry out a month or two before staining, but no guaranties.


It may blend it together a little better, but it probably will not hide it completely. You may want to experiment with two coats in a closet to see how it does versus one coat.


Do not do it! Buy some good quality log home stain like Life Line and it will save you a ton of money down the road trying to make it right.

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