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A good washing with some warm water an TSP will help clean it up. Mist to rinse. Let it dry good before oiling!


That is a tough job. The best way in my opionion would be to spray the entire house and then paint the chink lines after.


You will need to strip the wood to lighten it. Sanding is best on the interior.


I would not recommend it. It will continue to get darker and darker. Not to mention the smell. Also it may not be to good for the gound water since it will wash off the wall slowly andcould be considered an oil spill over time.Only 5 gallons of oil is… Read More »Archive-5914


The best way is to spray the stain and then back brush. Yes, the chink will take the stain. The other option is to hand brush the entire house and cut in around all of the chinki lines.


I like to use Life Line made by Perma Chink. It is made for log homes, it is latex so it is easy to clean up and it is good for the wood. If you are stripping the house, be sure to apply a borate before staining, especially on White… Read More »Archive-5918


I would recommend having them replaced. If you seal them with epoxy, the rot will continue to grow inside of the log. If you dig out the rot make sure to coat the logs liberally with a good borate before applying the epoxy.

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