after staining my co. spruce logs, twice the last 6 years, it is turning black in areas not covered, steaks are terrible. it looks like mold but a simple bleach soloution doesnt touch it. the product was cuprinol. ive seen this on other spruce cabins in this area. hot,wicked sun, and very high hummidity. ive done plenty of sanding in my life, please no more. youre help would very appreciated. thanks scott
waterloop Changed status to publish April 2, 2024
You may have to corn blast the old finish off yourlog house and then rinse thelogs with a warm waterand bleach solution. Mix 1/2 cupof bleach in the half cup of TSP to five gallons of warm waterand rinse the logs. you must be carefully that you do not used too much bleachor thenew finish will not adhere to the logs.