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I have never tried dry ice, but I would think that it is expensive to use. Glass works great, but you have to be careful not to etch your glass, cut wires or take the paint off of your drip edge. Everything must be covered and taped.


Where you are and how many porches, dormers and some other factors will make a difference. On average it will probably cost around $7,000 to $9,000. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for a more accurate estimate.


Probably not. If they are bare wood you could spray a borate treatment on them just for grin’s.


First, I would recommend sanding the surface down fairly smooth on the interior after blasting, and before staining. It will help a ton when it comes time to dust the logs in the future. Stick with a good latex interior stain made for log homes. My choice is Life Line.… Read More »Archive-384


Once you get the paint off and apply Perma Chink’s Life Line it will need a maintenance coat of the clear about every 3 years, depends on your exposure. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for help getting it corn or glass blasted.


You could Osborne Brush the bad areas and then apply stain to these areas. Be sure to feather it in since you can cause a big blotch on the logs if not done properly.


The fuzz will not go away. He power washed it didn’t he? I hope he let it dry for a month or so if he caused that much fuzz. If not, you will have trouble with black mold under the stain in the future.


You should be able to just sand the areas that are affected. It is sometimes hard to blend in sanded areas with some types of log home stain. Be sure to feather it out real well to avoid lap marks in the stain.

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