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Hi Amanda! Welcome to the wonderful world of log homes (and maintenance)! I have seen a number of fixes for this situation. I would suggest tearing off the old shingles and getting down to the original boards. Next install plywood or OSB board onto the roof boards. After that, use… Read More »Archive-7422


Steve, thanks for the compliment! We created this site to inform and help! I’m telling you, a book could be written about this subject (and I think I should do that). I will cover some of the basic things right here: 1) Build the over hangs a minimum of 30… Read More »Archive-7424


Unfortunately, the best thing to do is strip the house and apply a good borate solution like Shell Guard. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for an estimate.


They are carpenter bees and are very hard to control. Here is a link to a dusting ball and the powder to put in the holes. You will want to leave them open for a few days after dusting to allow the bees to come in and out to carry… Read More »Archive-7430


hard to say. Not sure on the ”bluish” part. It could possibly be Powder Post Beetle. There would be a lot of tiny little holes in the wood.


Most of these products do not last long and the logs must be kept clean for it to work. At the cost of Sikkens I would not recommend using it since it may cause it to peel.


If it is truly termites you will need to get the home treated by an exterminator and then eventually have it borate treated. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for an estimate on the borate treatment.


It must be applied to bare wood that has no sealer or stain on it. Try applying the original Shell Guard borate that you mix. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to dry but will give you the most penetration into the wood fiber for best control. All exposed wood… Read More »Archive-7440

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