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Probably a little of both. You may have to skin coat the caulk before staining.


Covering it is fine as long as the edges are not rough so that you can get a nice clean line with the new.


Since it is so old scribing a board or the drywall would work. Normally you would cut a groove into the logs and tuck the drywall into the cut.


You must cut it in with a trim brush. Real pain to keep it off from chink.


Nothing that I’m aware of. You need to contact a bat exterminator.


Using mortar is a waste of time and money. When the mortar dries it will pull away from the logs and allow water to get in behind anyway. You are better off leaving as is. And yes, mortar chinking will turn off potential buyers. If you are going to use… Read More »Archive-1408


Do not use Liquid Nails. It will not put up with the movement of the logs and fail anyway. I would recommend Woodsman from Perma Chink.


I would not recommend trying to replace logs yourself. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for professional help.

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