I have a & year old Jim Barna log home. The Sikkens stain never penetrated and is now flaking off. I want to take off the old paint and start new. I believe the logs have a mill glaze on them that caused the problem. I am thinking of using a Saburr wheel to take off the finish. It will strip and sand at the same time. I want something to scratch the logs and let the stain penetrate. I don’t think the Osborn buffing cup brushes will remove the mill glaze. What is your opinnion? thanks AL
It sounds like mill glaze is definitely the problem. Real common with most log home stains. The Saburr may be a little aggressive. A fine grit for sure. It may load up fast also. You may want to corn cob or glass blast then Osborne brush. The Osborne will remove mill glaze, but may have problem removing the stain.