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It will need to be media blasted, and possibly sanded to apply fresh stain to match house. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 if you need professional help.


Don’t go cheap or it will cost way more to remove and fix. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 for all of the products that you will need. He has several options.


You could side it, but I wouldn’t use vinyl. Go with some sort of cement board or Hardy Plank. As for preparation you should check with local building codes or a local lumber yard.


I would not recommend covering the logs until the rotten ones are taken care off. It will continue to rot and could become a structural issue in time. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help with that. I do not know of any vinyl covering.


You should put the tyvek on then fir strip. You will have a natural air space behind the fir stripping. Caulk from top to bottom with Energy Seal caulk. Do not fill with foam.


I really don’t know the answer to this other than I do not think it is any greater a fire hazard than regular wood siding.

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