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You probably could do it, but plan on maintenance costs of $1.50 per sq ft of living space/per year to professionally maintain. So a 1,500 sq ft house will cost about $6,750 every 3 years for maintenance. You may want to stay with brick. ๐Ÿ™‚


Most log home companies make half log siding. The thicker the better and adds more value to your home. Water flow from the roof is the major factor in rot. Rain gutters are a must. Water splash on lower roofs, decks and railings cause the most rot problems. The discoloration… Read More »Archive-2274


You should Osborne brush the entire bad side. You may have to sand it to remove any remaining stain so that it doesn’t come out blotchy. Apply 2 coats of Sikkens Log & Siding to this side and one coat to he balance of the house after washing it.


The thicker the siding you use, the more value it will have. The closer you get to a real log look, the better. I do not have any specific brand. Most log home companies make half log siding.


You could blast it if the person doing it knows what they are doing, but it should be Osborne brushed after. Just sanding from the start might be the cheapest.


Not sure where you are located. You should find out the local building codes. A vapor barrier and air space with furring strips should work.


Energy Seal from Perma Chink with a Grip Strip backer. Call 800-564-2987 for materials.


You don’t need to. Most log replacement is only a half log system.


I would recommend starting at the top so if you end up with a odd size it will be at the bottom and not noticed as much. Screw them to the studs.


The weight of the siding would not be a problem. We do it all of the time. DO NOT spend the money on the styrofoam center. maintenance on it is next to impossible if the finish gets away on you from weather and sun. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help.

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