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If you can find someone with a band blade sawmill (typically portable) and have them saw it in half length wise. You will then need to carve the center out of both halfs with a chainsaw to fit the pole.


Stay away from the oil based. Almost all products fro log homes are latex. Stick with them to get a good chemical bond between all products. We like to use Perma Chink products. Call Timeless Wood Care at 800-564-2987. They have many different brands.


I would recommend it. Energy Seal from Perma Chink is what you want to use.


I wouldput upa vapor barrier, thenfur striping on to the foundation, and then screw the logs to the fur stripping. You should check local building codes for your area.


Don’t know what to tell you. I would be back after the supplier. This is not right.


Timeless can help answer your questions and have all of the products that you will need. If by never sealed, you mean caulked or chinked, call Mike at 866-670-3020 for help.


You can do it, but remember that it will take about $1.50 per square foot of living space, per year, to maintain it professionally. Use a good quality stain like Perma Chink Life Line. Stay away from the big box store stain.


Nothing that I know of. It will due it for years. They where probably a little green when first stained.


I would not recommend putting it right over thevinyl siding. There should be some sheathing under the siding that will hold the insulation in. If not, you need to install some before putting up log siding. I would recommend a vapor barrierlike Tyvex also.

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