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You can but i do not recommend it, but it will work. What ever you fill it with you should first brush a good heavy coat of Shell Guard borate on them behind the filler.


Number each log, take lots of pictures and then reassemble in opposite order with the numbers.


It probably is the south side. What you are describing to me sounds like rotten logs. They will typically turn dark first. Tap on them with a hammer to see if they sound hollow. If not, sand them then try to blend in with the rest of the home with… Read More »Archive-3564


1) measure and put lines on the logs where you want it cut. 2) remove all chinking at the lines you just put in 3) start chainsaw and cut on lines 4) install 2” bucking 5) install window with jambs 6) call Dave at 231-258-0617 for help if needed.


You will have to find a log that matches the dimensions of the rotted one and replace. It must be fully dried.


The best way would be to media blast either with corn or crushed glass. Sanding will work but do not use to smooth of a grit. 50 or 60 grit is best.


It is a type of mold. You may want to call a mold remediation company to find out how to deal with it.

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