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You just need to fill the holes with Energy Seal Caulk. It comes in several different colors to match the stain you will use. No foam is needed. You can get the Energy Seal from Timeless Wood Care products at or 800-564-2987.


Call Timeless Wood Care Products at 800-564-2987 and order a Bee Kit to kill them. You should fill the holes with Energy Seal. They can help answer your questions.


Hard to say without seeing it, but you may have to put two new beams in, one on each side of the existing one to support the joist. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for more answers. They do all of the structural work.


Yes, you should be able to do just the rotted portion, but try to blend them in as best as possible so it doesn’t look like a patch job.


Ideally, you should caulk the exterior first, but since it is winter you could caulk the interior bedroom. Any kind of insulation in the floor is going to help. The larger the R number the better.


Sorry, not sure. There has got to be a scale on the internet some where. Try this link to see if it answers your question.


I doubt very much if these holes did anything to compromise the beams. Have a structural engineer look at them if you are still concerned. The epoxy will do very little to improve strength.


I would recommend a different stain, but it will be a little costly to strip it and get it ready. Log homes take about $1.50 per square foot of living space / per year just to maintain it once you get it in the proper condition. Call Mike at 866-670-3020… Read More »Archive-3716


You can try to sand them out, but if they are very old, you may never be able to remove them without disfiguring the log.

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