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Perma Chink’s LifeLine stain and clear coat. You will need some sort of pigment or it will only last a year or so.


It will need to be media blasted (corn cob or glass) and then Osborn brushed.


You can, but you really should get that paint off first or it will cause rot problems. Sherwin Williams can match the Woodscapes solid stain to match the paint if you take a sample into them.


You should be able to put the darker over the lighter and have it work. Try experimenting in an inconspicuous place.


It will have to be stripped to get back to clean wood to start over again. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for an estimate of cost.


DO NOT power wash it. Sand it or Osborn brush it to clean before apply new stain. If you are using a different stain than was first applied I would recommend getting back to clean fresh surface first.


Stick with the Sikkens. They have changed it, but you can still buy Log & Siding. Talk with your local dealer for help.


You could put LED strip lighting on the boards above the windows I guess. You want to be careful with any halogen lighting since it is so hot. To truly lighten it up it would have to be sanded back to clean wood and then have a clear stain applied.


You should never have to stain them once it is done the first time. I would recommend wiping it all down with Murphy’s Oil Soap per the label every year.


It will require a lot of maintenance, but I would at least give it a good soaking with Shell Guard borate to help stop rot and boring bugs. Better if you apply it while the logs are still semi green.

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