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I would recommend some sort of furniture stain but do not know where you would get it. Try local furniture store or paint store.


Do not use anything that is plant oil based. Most have linseed oil or some other form of plant oil and cause the logs to turn black over time. Also, these stains are only effective for a year or two. Go with a good latex stain like Life Line. Call… Read More »Archive-4482


The Sherwin Williams has been my solid stain of choice for years. I have it on my home. Preparing the surface is critical and it must be dry. Two coats is also a must. I get a good 7 to 8 years between maintenance. Do not use anything from the… Read More »Archive-4484


First, DO NOT use bleach. If you are going to do it yourself sanding is the best way. If you can hire a contractor to corn cob or glass blast it would be best. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for a quote.


There is no good way to lighten up a house with dark stain. It will have to be removed by media blasting and then apply the color you want. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for more info and help.


Call Dave at Timeless Wood Care Products for guidance and materials that you may need. His number is 800-564-2987.


For filler you should use Wood Epox. Call 800-564-2987 to purchase. For solid stain use Sherwin Williams Woodscapes.


You probably have a plant oil based stain (like linseed oil) that is causing it to turn black. It needs to be stripped and have a good quality log home stain applied. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 for help.

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