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If you have sanded all of the old oil stain off you will be fine with the clear coat. Interior is fine for just a clear, but I would add some UV blocker so the walls keep there color a little bit around pictures and wall hangings.


You can blast it, but if you use, sand be very careful. It will eat a hole very quickly if the operator does not know what they are doing. I would recommend a fine grit of corn cob. It will not be perfectly smooth, but works just fine.


My way or the correct way? My way – take the inches from one direction, divide by 12. Do the same for the oppisite direction. So if you have an area 51” x 66” — 51” divided by 12 =4.25 66” divided by 12 =5.5 4.25 x 5.5 =23.375 square… Read More »Archive-562


I would recommend sand blasting. You will need to protect the windows with plywood or duct tape tar paper over them. Be VERY careful not to cut wires or anything else that could be damaged from the sand blasting. Sounds like you will have to grind the logs with a… Read More »Archive-566


corn cob blasting is the best in my opionion. It keeps the logs dry. You should have a borate treatment applied at this point. If the logs are allowing wind, water or bugs to get into the interior it should be caulked or chinked. 3/4” gap or less, caulk, 3/4”… Read More »Archive-568


They are very hard to find to rent and I do not recommend this process for the home owner. Start calling the local rental stores.


You will get about 1.4 R per inch of pine log. This does not take into consideration of thermal mass. Go to this web site:


The only way to do it properly would be to build a sandwich roof over the existing on outside. It needs to be properly vented to avoid moisture from forming inside the roof and stopping ice build up outside, if applicable.


Not a clue. It first came to market in the late 70’s and has changed the log home industry. Call Timeless Wood Care Products and ask them if theystill have an old price sheet. 800-564-2987

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