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Energy Seal from Perma Chink is the best in a vertical style log home.


I do not know of any site right off, but there are many books on the subject.


The temps where border line, but the power washer probably caused more damage than anything.


Start with a palm sander and 40 grit disc to get the rough stuff. Finish with 60 grit.


Home Depot has the cheesey looking stuff or try calling a local saw mill to see if they will cut some good looking logs for you.


If there is any old finish it needs to be blasted before sanding other wise the sanding disc will load up quickly and not be effective. Cost is more to sand due to labor costs.


Corn blasting is not for the do-it-your-selfer. The equipment is hard to find and it needs to be done properly or any bad blasting marks will show up thru the stain.


Depends on how thick the old finish is. Also you run the chance of etched glass and cut wires if the operator doesn’t know what he is doing. The finish is very similar.

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