Yes, the corn blasting will brighten the logs. You MUST apply the borate before staining. Call Perma Chink and they can answer any further questions and help you get the right products.
Yes, the corn blasting will brighten the logs. You MUST apply the borate before staining. Call Perma Chink and they can answer any further questions and help you get the right products.
You need to find that out fron the equipment owner/manufacturer. We are more concerned with CFM with a corn blaster. A minimum of 160CFM.
I recommend waiting at least one month after a heavy power wash. If the borate had any glycol in it he should have waited a minimum of two weeks. If it was a powder based it would be OK the next day if dry.
It might be the Carpenter Bee larvi, but I doubt it. More than likely it is Powder Posts Beetles larvi.Not sure where you are, but it could also be Old House Bore. At the very least you should apply some borate to the effected areas if it will penetrate thru… Read More »Archive-658
More than likely it was caused by leaky windows or chink lines. Water stains are hard to get rid of if they are very old. They typically are deep into the wood fiber. Try sanding in an inconspicuous place to see if they can be removed.
Sorry it took so long. There has been a lot of problems with this product. It normally turns very black and sticky. I’m not sure if powerwashing alone will take it off. Maybe try applying a stripper first and then powerwashing. Be sure to let it dry for 3-4 weeks… Read More »Archive-662
Go with the corn blasting. You want to keep the wood as dry as possible.
I do not know of anyone right off and we do not travel that far.
Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for help.
You can try to patch it in. Not sure what you will end up with since I am not a CWF fan. Someone did not know what they where doing with the powerwasher around a log home.