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Sounds like a chemical reaction from the bleach and TSP mixture. They probably didn’t rinse it enough to neutralize it and get the PH correct in the wood fiber. It could also be that this is just the color this stain is going to be on the Hemlock. You can… Read More »Archive-5440


Go to They will rent and ship one to you for about $75 a day. You will also need an air compressor that has a minimum of 160 CFM, 185 CFM are very common. They normally rent for $100 +/- a day.


you question really did not get completed, but if you are looking on how to touch up the stain, you should lightly sand the peeling areas. Not sure if you can still find the Cetol 1 & 23 since they discontinued it, but the Sikkens Log & Siding is compatible.… Read More »Archive-5444


Either sand them or corn cob blast them. Stain with a good latex stain like Life Line.


If you are using the Woodscapes Solid stain it will look like paint. The Life Line is semi-transparent. Woodscapes also makes a semi-transparent, but neither will cover many imperfections on the logs if they are not prepped right. If the existing material is paint, it should be completely removed first.


You can leave it to weather, but I would apply a couple of good coats of Shell Guard borate treatment to them. Call 800-564-2987 to get the Shell Guard. If you apply 2 heavy coats of this, you will not be able to stain since the borate can make stain… Read More »Archive-5452


Not really sure. It sounds like it is either sap trying to leak from the logs, which means they were green when used, or there is mold growing from them. Hard to say without seeing it.


It will give a water tight bond if you use latex chinking. It will also move with the expanding and contracting of the logs. Oakum will not give a real water tight seal and can hold moisture against the logs if it gets wet.


The veranda will help protect it, but you need to get those logs replaced before they become a structural issue. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help. If you do not have rain gutters I would highly recommend getting them.

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