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Bleach is old school and is a no-no on wood. If you do need to use bleach for mold clean up 1 cup in 5 gallons of water is plenty. It sounds like you didn’t get the wood wet enough first before you applied the bleach and caused streaking. You… Read More »Archive-5400


Hard to say without seeing it, but you should be able to put a solid stain over it if that’s what you mean by rustic.


I wood still use Perma Chink on the interior. You could use a couple of coats of Clear Interior and skip the Acrylic coat that normally goes over it to give it a little shine.


Call Timeless Wood Care Products at 800-564-2987 for help and materials.


You might try washing it with some hot hot water and TSP (Tri-Sodium-Phosphate) that you can get at any hardware or paint supply. Another option would be to corn cob blast, but it may not get it out if it is very deep into the wood fiber. Sounds like an… Read More »Archive-5410


It could be a number of things that caused the black. Wash it power washed before staining and not allowed to dry properly? Did the stain contain Linseed Oil? I will send you some fliers that will address these issues.


# options: 1- Just stain over the chink 2- Hand brush the stain on and cut in along the chink lines. Any runs will have to be addressed immediately. The stain sometimes cannot be removed if it does run onto the chink. 3- Stain over the chink and then either… Read More »Archive-5414


Corn or glass blasting will be the best for removing the paint. If you want to end up with a smooth shiny surface it will need to be sanded after blasting. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for answers to any other questions or help with the blasting.


Call Timeless Wood Care Products at 800-564-2987 for help and the materials you will need. If you are interested in a professional estimate call Mike at 866-670-3020 or email

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