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If the solid logs are chinked/caulked inside and out, it will be as good as a wall covered in paneling. Generally.


You could try putting a brush on a extendable pole to clean. If this doesn’t work you will have to put up scaffold.


You are going to have to sand it. Blasting inside is not a good option. The paint thinner isn’t going to do anything for you. Start with a palm sander using a 40 grit disc, then go back over it with a 80 grit to clean and smooth. Use a… Read More »Archive-6786


Most log homes require some sort of exterior maintenance every 3 years.


Not necessarily. You may want to try a humidifier to see if it stops or slows.


Could be Powder Post beetle or Old House bores. Not sure without seeing, but I have seen it in flooring before.


Energy Seal on the logs. It would work for the ceiling too, but not sure what the fire rating is. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 for for help and answers.


Not really. Sounds like it was not dry enough. Kiln dried logs are more susceptible to this.

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