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I’m going to guess that it has been at least a couple of years since youpowerwashedand stained. If that is the case you should be able to corn cob blast and stain right away. If not you should wait 1-3 months of good dry weather from time of powerwashing before… Read More »Archive-758


10-4. Power washing is cancer to a log home. The only time we use a power washer is to rinse a hand applied soapy mixture from the logswhen washing before a maintenance coat of clear is applied. We are standing back 15-20 feet so that it is only a light… Read More »Archive-760


Solid brown is your best protection as long as it isn’t paint. Stain only on logs. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for help with the corn cob blasting and chinking.


It would be fine to spray on top of the chink. It is done all the time. Some people prefer the look. If you try to hand brush it all and a drip runs on the chink you will never get it wiped out completly. Spray away!


You will need to contact the manufacturer of this house to get the proper logs, or have a local sawmill duplicate them.


I do not know of anyone in your area. Unfortunately we cannot work in Canada.Try going to and see if they can help.


Because spar varnish should never be used on a log home, inside or out.


The only thing is that you now need to inspect the checks that you filled 2-3 times per year for failure. If left unattended it will cause log rot eventually.

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