Not really other than sanding or changing the wood. This why I always recommend a smooth finish for interior.
Not really other than sanding or changing the wood. This why I always recommend a smooth finish for interior.
You should never put bleach on logs unless it is diluted about 100 to 1. It will not lighten the wood. TSP works better for this. If you have ever had bleach on your hands you know how hard it is to rinse off. It is the same on wood,… Read More »Archive-7064
Not that I’m aware of.
If these are the interiors of the outside walls it sounds like you have water leakes and you should consider caulking the outside 100%. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for help and an estimate.
If it is real stone you can sand blast it and it will look like new again. If it is cultured stone there is not much that you can do. There may be a cleaner for it, but it probably will not remove the black 100%.
Is the house chinked or caulked? If not that would be the first thing to do. I’m not fimiliar with hurricane fabric. I recommend Perma Chink Ultra 2 stain and clear coat.
You can use half log siding made a local saw mill and then chink it to make it look like real log.
Probably not. If you are in the woods at all, the air is not moving and drying out fast enough causing the black to form. Also would cause a lack of UV which makes wood turn gray.
If you go log, get a professional to do the finish work using good quality log home products. Get references before hiring and maybe look at some of there work. I recommend budgeting $1 per square foot of living space / per year for maintenance. Brick is forever, but who… Read More »Archive-7078
Never put Polyurethane on walls. Sanding with 40 grit discs is best and does take a long time, but is best for the interior. Get a good quality log home stain like Perma Chink.