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Carpenter bees are tough to stop. There is really nothing that will stop them if they find your house. An ongoing pest control spray will help. Borate will stop most wood boring bugs, but carpenter bees do not digest the wood fiber so it is not effective.


Good chance that it is a skunk. You should contact a local exterminator.


It must be made out of pretty good size material. Sounds like Powder Post Beetle. It will have to be stripped and have a borate applied before re-staining.


Call Timeless Wood Care Products at 800-564-2987. They will have what you need to repair and can help with suggestions.


Sounds like Asian Beetles. They look a lot like Lady Bugs. It might be the color that you made the house that is attracting them or it is just a coincidence that they appeared now.


I would say caulk the entire house. DO NOT caulk the checks (cracks in the logs) unless they are running into a door or window jamb or a corner where you know they are letting wind, water or bugs in.


Not sure what you mean by ”light Spots”. If you have carpenter bees you will see 1/4 inch holes on the under side of the log or in the soffitts and fascia. They also make a mess were they come out of the hole and regurgitate their bellies of the… Read More »Archive-7516


If it is carpenter bee’s you’re trying to stop the borate does not work for them. They do not digest the wood fiber so it will not stop or kill them. If it is something else it my take a couple of gestation’s for it to work properly.

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