Call Mike at 866-670-3020.
Call Mike at 866-670-3020.
It is probably squirrels or porcupines. You may not think it is accessible, but they can get just about anywhere they want to go.There is a commercial product called Liquid Fence that works well.It doesnt last more than a couple of weeks and is not pleasant to the nose when… Read More »Archive-7784
I had to go to the expert for this one, Vince Palmere at Perma Chink: My guess is that your homeowner is dealing with sometype of ant. There are literally hundreds of ant species and some of them love to nest in small cracks and cavitiesin wood. Since he’s finding… Read More »Archive-7786
You should wash them with a low PH cleaner or Mean Green. You can get these products from Timeless Wood Care Products by calling 800-564-2987.
It sounds like you may have forced some powder post beetles inside with the insecticide outside. ???
If it is on the surface of the stain you can try washing it off with Log Wash or a mixture of 4 gallons of warm water, 1 cup bleach and 1 cup TSP, rinse with clean warm water. If it is under the stain you will have to strip… Read More »Archive-7792
You should brush some borate solution on. You should also put tar paper behind to hide sheet rock.
Lead poisoning!!! (shoot them)
It wouldn’t hurt anything to apply a borate. Just spray on per the label.
You should cut the logs in the winter when the sap is out of the tree if you want the bark to hold. As for the cracking, it will be hard to stop. I don’t think sealing the ends will do much.