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This is very common, and normally is not a concern. You may want to have a structural engineer look at. It would be very costly to replace. More than likely the roof would have to be removed to get to it. The engineer could say for sure. He may give… Read More »Archive-8262


Not sure what you mean by ”clean”. If it needs some major sanding then use a side grinder with a 5” disc (36 or 50 grit) to get fairly smooth.


The only big down fall to leaving the bark on is that it is hard to keep clean of dust and dirt. You can use a shop vac with a brush attachment to clean, but it will never truly be clean.


I would recommend using 1/4 cup TSP to gallon of water then rinse with clean water. Perma chink Log Wash would work also.


Short of removing the bark you can vacuum it with a shop vac with a brush attachment.


Use a shop vac with a brush attachment to get rid of as much dust as possible. If you want to apply a finish use Perma Chink Prelude to seal bark. It’s a clear primer.


The logs need to be harvested in the dead of winter when most of the sap has gone down into the roots.


You might as well just leave it alone and save some money if you are just going to let it turn gray. You could Osborne brush the old finish off if you would like. It will not stay the natural color. There is nothing that will keep it that way.

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