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Either the Norway (Red) Pine or the Spruce. DO NOT use White Pine. Most log home builders say that their homes do not need to be caulked or chinked, but over time almost all will need it. It is really best to do it right up front and avoid any… Read More »Archive-8622


Call Timeless Wood Care Products at 800-564-2987 and get some Log Wash. They might have something else to suggest also.


The bark will stay on longer if they are harvested in the dead of winter.


White Pine tends to be more maintenance since it is more susceptible to rot than say red or yellow pine. Also, if the logs are of large diameter the white pine can tend to be hollow in the middle more often.


Wash them after they are up with either Oxcon or PS100 to bring the color back a little. Stay back with that power washer. Use it only to mist the brightner off. Call Timeless Wood Care at 800-564-2987 for more help and the materials you need.


Use something with a good pigment. There is not a clear that will hold up more than 6 months to a year and it is very expensive to remove and fix.


Sanding is best. I do not know of any magic sauce that will take them out of wood. You need to find out where the leak is that is causeing them and get it fixed first or they will continue to come back.


Do not apply anything over the CWF. It needs to be stripped and then apply latex stain and clear coat. Yes, latex comes in many colors. I recommend Perma Chink Ultra 2 stain. CWF is paraffin based and does not hold up much longer than 6 months. It also causes… Read More »Archive-8636


Perma Chink Ultra 2 Light Natural. Keep in mins that the darker the stain the longer it will hold up.


We tape of the windows and normally blast the facia and soffit. If you do not want the facia nad soffit stripped it will have to taped off also.

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