I would try selling it on ebay.
I would try selling it on ebay.
Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help.
Sorry about the delayed answer. You can get the materials you need from Timeless Wood Care Products. Their phone number is 800564-2987. I would fasten the logs to the studs if possible.
Call Timeless Wood Care Products for all of the products that you will need. They can help you with the application questions also. 800-564-2987
You need to insulate the roof on the porch also. You should get with a contractoer in the area that can recommend something for your specific need.
I do not really recommend filling in over rotten spots, since the rot only continues. If you do, be sure to apply a liberal amount of borate solution to the existing wood before filling. I would recommend calling Ryan at 877-788-5647 for further help in possibly replacing the logs.
You should plan on budgeting at least $2000 per year for maintenance. You may not spend that much each year, but the time will come to strip the old finish off, and that can cost quite a bit ($10,000 to $20,000) depending on the size of the house. It will… Read More »Archive-8774
My guess is that the contractor put the wrong backing foam in. If it is not a ”closed cell” foam it will give off gases and cause the bubbling. If it is not broke loose or crack it probably is OK other than the looks. It would be expensive, but… Read More »Archive-8776
Try call Timeless Wood Care Products and see if they can help you with this product. Their phone number is 800-564-2987.
No. It must be applied to bare wood first. You are wasting your money and time if you apply it to ood with any sort of finish. The best type has a glycol base which slows the dry time and allows the borate to penatrate the wood fiber better. Shell… Read More »Archive-8780