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Water leaks a very hard to locate sometimes. Could be coming in on the opposite end of the home and running along the logs before it finds a way inside. Remove water stains – If they are very old they are there to stay short of replacing the logs.


I would recommend that you keep investigating the exterior untill you find the leak. If you seal the interior and it is still leaking into the logs it will rot over time.


I prefer Life Line Ultra 2. I have had real good luck with it if applied properly. Not a big fan of strippers.


Definitely not white pine. Either of the cedar’s are best against rot, but they are a softer wood with less strength compared to a yellow pine which is quite hard. Cedar tends to get porous over time when hit by the sun and not maintained properly.


You can try washing the log with Log Wash from Perma Chink and then try some Wood ReNew on it, but water stains can be very hard to get out sometimes. As for the log replacement, call Ryan at 877-788-5647. He will be able to tell you how tricky it… Read More »Archive-8736


Is it common? Not to my knowledge.I have never seen it. I really can’t see where it would hurt anything though.


Yes it is. You can get the supplies you need to use at most Home Depot’s.

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