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Sounds like it needs to be media blasted, caulk 100% on the exterior and stained with Life Line. There really is no treatment for Carpenter Bees. They do not respond to borate so it is a never ending job to keep them at bay. Hire an exterminator to spray during… Read More »Archive-5080


I like Life Line Interior stain and clear coat. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 to purchase and answer any other questions.


It is hard to tell unless you can get someone to look at it that works on log homes a lot, and then it is just an educated guess. Best if you can find an old can of it in basement or garage. Any good paint store should be able… Read More »Archive-5084


Tannins are found in all plants and trees and the are not harmful. Go to this link for more information.


Call Dave at Timeless Wood Care products for help with this. He works with all kinds of finishes and can answer your questions. 800-564-2987


First, I do not recommend the spray foam. It can possibly cause rot where it touches the wood. Sounds like you need to caulk or chink the exterior completely for starters. Sounds like also that the logs used for replacement were not completely dry when placed in your house. Do… Read More »Archive-5090


You get what you pay for…stick with the Ultra 7 outside. you will be doing twice the maintenance on the other stains and it will end up costing more. Oil on the interior can sometimes stay a little sticky making it hard to keep dust free.


You can get wood putty that is colored to match the logs and fill them. Doesn’t take much. Most hardware stores have it.


Yes, the checking can be promoted from the sun, but with proper protection from stain and clear coat it can be pretty much eliminated if maintained. I am not a big fan of the Superdeck also, since it is oil based. Very thin and from my experience it seems to… Read More »Archive-5096


It would help to know what kind of stain is on it. Call Mike at 866-670-3020.

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