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If you switch to another product you will need to strip the house and get it back to bare wood first. If you do I would recommend applying a borate treatment before you stain.


Call Dave at Timeless Wood Care Products, 800-564-2987. He will have the products that you need.


Not sure what to tell you. You may want to have an exterminator look at it for the cause. It may be a bug making the web.


It sounds like Powder Post Beetle. The only way to really stop them is to strip the logs and apply a borate treatment.


You definitely want to get rid of the mold. Unfortunately it is probably under the old finish. You can LIGHTLY power wash and if sanding is needed use 50 or 60 grit paper.


You can use a heat gun and scrape it of with a putty knife, but if they are leaking sap they should be allowed to dry some more before staining. If not allowed to dry completely you will have the ”resin bleed” for many years.


Call Timeless wood Care Products. 800-564-2987 They have something that will help.


Not much. All wood darkens over time from UV. Sanding will blend it a little, but you’re probably not ever going to get it to match completely.


You’re going to have to sand it and start over with a product that doesn’t have an oil based product like linseed oil or paraffin (wax).

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