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Not much really other than sanding to clean them back to bare wood and start over with a new color.


You should get a mold remediation company to look at it first. Some molds should not be disturbed unless you know what you are doing as to not spread it through the house.


It’s hard to say without seeing it, but it could be that there are gaps between the logs allowing moisture in or there could be too much humidity in the house. It may need to be caulked or chinked on the exterior first to see if it helps.


It may. It hard to say for sure since the humidity in the house will play a big part in how fast they dry. What ever you put on them should be what you want in the end. I would let them dry as much as possible before you seal… Read More »Archive-6310


You should probably have a structural engineer look at it. Most lumber yards or steel yards have one on staff.


Could be dust sticking to the liquid gold. Not sure, but you will need to sand them down to get back to clean wood for better color. Keep in mind that Douglas Fir is one of the worst of all wood species for turning dark from UV.


No matter what you use it will require constant maintenance to hold up to the weather and sun there. I would recommend Life Line stain. Avoid any penetrating oils. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 for more help.


It all depends on where in the structure the logs are that you want to remove. I would highly recommend that you leave this to a professional. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for help.

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