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You should be able to put a couple of coats of the Cetol 1 on it and then one coat of Sikkens Log & Siding. You should call a local Sikkens dealer to fins out for sure. You may be able to find some of the old Cetol 23 to… Read More »Archive-5220


I have never used the SW Q8 log oil, but I am not a fan of any ”log oil”. Wood Guard is a log oil in my book. Strip it and put a good quality latex log home stain on it like Life Line. Once back in good shape with… Read More »Archive-5222


Erin, It sounds like there may be creosote on this cabin. If you want the gray look you could corn cob blast the exterior to remove as much of the black as you can and then apply a good coat of Shell Guard borate. Do not stain it, but just… Read More »Archive-5224


Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for the restoration help. Do not buy the cheap deck boards. Spend the money and get the good stuff if you are going composite.


First, if it is new construction it should be Osborne brushed to remove mill glaze before staining. if it is an older building it should be media blasted and start with a fresh finish you can maintain properly from here on. Call Timeless Wood Care Products and have them help… Read More »Archive-5228


IF… you can get Sikkens Log & Siding, it would be my choice of oil based. If not, go with the SRD.


I personally wouldn’t do it. It may be cheaper now, but buy a good quality log home stain now and maintain is the least expensive route.


Osborne brush the loose flaky material off, touch up with Sikkens Log & Siding where needed, then apply a coat of Sikkens Cetol Maintenance Clear.


Not sure. Could just be different areas in the wood between soft and hard grain.


I wouldn’t rub on it too much without a mask on. you could wash then with a mixture of 5 gal of warm water and 1 cup bleach, then rinse. Do not over do the bleach. 1 cup is way more than enough.

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