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Call Mike at 866-670-3020. It will be hard to match the good sides since they have been exposed to UV for a while and have probably faded just a little. You might need a light coat on the good sides also to help match.


Put Tung Oil on your furniture. It sounds like there is a moisture problem. You should get a mold expert to come in and clean these cabins before staying in them again.


Poly can tend to get sticky in warm, humid weather and cause dust and dirt to stick to it. The acrylics’ get a nice hard shell. Not real familiar with your product.


You may never get it out 100%. You will probably have to contract someone to corn blast it.


This answer comes from Vince Palmere of Perma Chink Products: As hot weather approaches we begin getting calls about resin bleeding out of logs and what can a homeowner do to stop it. Some people may call it sap or pitch or resin but it’s all the same and short… Read More »Archive-5548


The answer is both. It should be sprayed on and then back brushed to make sure that it is worked into the wood fiber. Be sure to tape off anything that should not have stain on it.


CWF is parafin based and only last about one year. It can cause black mold to grow on the house after several applications. If you do want to give it a fresh coat it will need a LIGHT bath with Log Wash, allowed to dry and then apply. Call Timeless… Read More »Archive-5552


If there isn’t too much of the creosote left I would soak the heck out of it with Shell Guard Borate and call it good. Call Timeless Wood Care at 800-564-2087 to get it. The woodmust be able to absorbe this product to work. It basically will stop it from… Read More »Archive-5554


Call Timeless Wood Care Products or go to and order some Log Wash.


If they sound hollow you should get them replaced. Eventually they will rot all the way through and will be more costly to replace. There is really no set ”per foot price” to have logs replaced. Call Ryan at 877-788-5647 for a rough estimate if you know how many feet… Read More »Archive-5558

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